The following are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Highway 400 and Essa Road interchange reconstruction Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA).
What was the purpose of the study?
Learn more here.
What was the study area?
Learn more here.
How do I get involved in this study?
The Project is now under construction. To receive notifications during construction, please visit the Contact page for Contract Administrator contact information. Contact the Project Team.
When will construction begin?
Construction commenced June 2022.
How long will the interchange be under construction?
Construction is anticipated to be complete by fall 2025.
Will traffic be impacted during construction?
Construction staging has been developed to minimize traffic disruptions. Short-duration lane and ramp closures are required and detours will be provided. Temporary carpool lot closures are required, but one will remain open at any given time. Information will be provided through applicable public notices circulated by the Contract Administrator.
Will Essa Road be closed during construction?
Construction staging has been developed to minimize traffic disruptions. A short-duration closure of Essa Road is required during bridge demolition, and detours will be provided. Short-duration lane and ramp closures are required throughout construction and detours will be provided as necessary.
Will detours be implemented during construction?
Proposed detour routes are provided in the Design and Construction Report. Detours will be communicated by the Contract Administrator through applicable public notices.
Will any municipal side roads be reconstructed as part of the project?
The widening of Essa Road to six lanes within the interchange is the primary municipal road work included as part of this project.
Will sound barriers be built as part of this project?
A noise wall is not included in the design of this project. In March 2017 a Noise Study Report was completed as part of the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study. The noise analysis assessed potential noise impacts to noise sensitive areas and possible noise mitigation measures. Based on the Noise Study Report a barrier is not recommended in this location.
Are bike lanes going to be added to Essa Road?
A Multi-Use Path will be constructed on the north side of Essa Road within the interchange to accommodate future active transportation.